Monday, October 5, 2015

Two years, Two Kids later....

So it has seriously been over 2 years since I blogged last? I had all these great intentions of keeping this blog up to date, but then I went back to work (from home) and was taking care of an infant who should have belonged in the marsupial family, it hardly left time for me shower let alone work on my blog. Alas, here we are over two years later and now I am a mother of two! WHAT? When did that happen? I am still asking myself that because honestly I still feel like I am 19 (without the awesome metabolism or ability to stay up past 9 pm, but I can buy my own wine!)

Turns out your gynecologist really has a point when they keep asking you what your birth control plans are after having your baby. At first you are like, "well I am about the size of a Beluga and can hardly sleep comfortably, I don't even want to think about sex right now." Then you have the baby and they want to talk about it at your six week check up and you are like, "Did you just see what I pushed out that thing? Are my stitches even healed yet? Plus there are probably only 20 minutes a day that baby is not on my nipples and I would like a few moments with no human touching my body."

Then you get 8 months out and your baby is finally sleeping for a sold 10-12 hours a night. Baby isn't nursing as much so you can wear stuff other than spit-up stained tank tops you are able to pull one breast out of. You actually have time to do your hair and makeup. You start Weight Watchers and start to drop a few pounds. You get cocky and pack up all the maternity clothes. Soon you are looking at your husband again like "How you do'n?"


So here I sit, back in my spit-up stained tank top and nursing bra. Hair back up in a messy bun taking on baby number two!

I feel like a real pro this time so stick around and you can watch me eat all my words later!


Mrs. J