Monday, September 27, 2010

For better or worse, in sickness and health….

I am really calling in the vows on that last part. If you are our Facebook friend, you recently have been lucky enough to be delighted to the imagery that is the olive oil burn…
About a week ago I was preparing what would have been a delightful dinner of fried rice. The carrots and celery were chopped, rice pre-cooked and the chicken marinated. All I needed to do was throw it all together in a pan. I started heating up some olive oil so I could cook the chicken before adding in the rest of ingredients. No big deal, this must have been the millionth time of cooking chicken this way. Somewhere between time 999,000 and 1,000,000 I must have lost it though because I ended up spilling hot oil all over my hand. The whole hand. From wrist to knuckle. Needless to say there was screaming, crying and I think I mildly went into shock. Wouldn’t you? Look at this?
To make a long story short, and to save from any more unsightly photos, let me just say for the last week I have been unable to do anything with my left hand. This is making me very unhappy. See, this whole time I have felt my contribution to our marriage right now is the cooking, cleaning and all that fun home stuff. Since I am working at finding a big-girl job, I haven’t been bringing anything to the table financially. Taking care of the house is my way of helping ease the stress on Todd. It has been really tough for the last week not being able to do as much as I want to and depending on Todd pick up the slack. He has been handling it like a champ though. On Tuesday he even had to wash my hair for me and he did it with love and compassion.
It is funny how when you get married and you say your vows you think they are really only for the huge things in life; finances, children, cancer. You forget about all the small every day things that you are committing to when you stand there and promise these things together.  It’s a promise to love each other even when your wife’s hand looks like something out of a horror movie and she can’t open a bottle or squeeze the jelly onto her toast. It’s the fact that you will turn off whatever TV show you were watching to come upstairs and help her wash her hair, even condition it to make sure all the tangles are out… and feel happy about doing it.
It is in these small times when we are able to really pull together as a team or when I am able to lean on Todd because I am a little weak that I know we will be able to make it through whatever life can throw at us. That is a pretty incredible feeling.
Hope I can heal soon,

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